Foster Care & Adoption Resources

Adoption Care Icon
foster  icon

Ribbon Colors:

Light Blue - The Foster Care Ribbon

Yellow - The Adoptive Parents Ribbon

White - The Adoption Ribbon

Ribbon info and downloads are from HERE.

Together We Rise – Helping Children in Foster Care

  • Connecting with and supporting children in foster care.

*Did you know that foster children are given a trash bag to put their belongings in if they are moved to another home?*

  • Because of this, a part of TWR’s mission is to give these children duffel bag they can call their own.
  • Check out their site and consider making a purchase or donation

Child Welfare Information Gateway

  • This is a link to the Foster Care Month page, but there is a link to access resources year-round.

Adopt Together

  • Have you ever heard a story from parents who want to adopt, but can’t afford it?
  • Wish you could help them out? This site helps you do just that.
  • Search through stories and donate to help these awesome people.

Adopt US Kids

  • Info and resources to connect children in foster care with families and support the child welfare system.

Center for Parent Information & Resources

Info and resources about foster care:

  • Welcoming disabled children
  • Lists of adoption and foster care focused organizations
  • Support group information

National Council for Adoption

Info and resources from experts:

  • Adoption issues
  • Advocating for policies that benefit children in the system

Focus on the Family

  • Books, podcasts, and DVDs
  • Guides, website links, Q&As
  • Referrals about adoption and foster care

Health Insurance Options for At-Risk, Vulnerable

& Homeless Youth

Here is a sobering fact: 23,000 children will age out of the foster care system each year. (Source: Focus on the Family). This means that they will be at a loss when it comes to health insurance.

Good news: there is an option!

The website linked above has information on:

  • Types of coverage available
  • How to get coverage
  • Links to helpful resources

It’s a great tool to have on hand and a great big THANK YOU goes out to Jackie for bringing this valuable resource to our attention!